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Sound Acts – 24,25,26 April in Athens

    It has been a while since I last presented a live version of some of Aerostat’s work. It’s probably time for me to try and become a bit more extrovert again, even if only for a while. So, while we are preparing the performance that will (hopefully!) travel all around Greece, I am very glad to participate in sound acts, a huge gathering of performers/musicians/video artists that will be held in Kentro Elegxou Thleorasewn in Kypseli, Athens, from 24 to 26 of April. I have yet to decide what my performance will be exactly, but I am sure it will be different.

    Sound acts’ admission is free, and it is solely organised by the FYTINI family. If you can help financially, please visit the website, donate, and take an amazing handmade collective vinyl edition that we made!

    I hope to see you all there!